Month: May 2015

  • Rehearsal


    A woman with whom I once shared a bed asked me if I was prepared for death. I laughed, then realized she was serious. She kissed my mouth to silence me and held me down gently against the sheets. Her long hair was as soft as feathers and covered my face. My eyes closing only…

  • Symphony


    He was a complex boy. Losing himself in the woods as a child wandering alone. Marveling at the ingenuity of spiders as they secreted tenuous threads from their bodies to orchestrate a symphonic maze. He watched the silk strands pulled taut like strings plucked by virtuoso harpists experimenting for pitch, tone, and tempo. He felt…

  • Presence


    She was known for her collection of unusual things. Wherever she traveled she brought back objects of art to her home. Wood carvings, polished stones, intricate weavings, blown glass, sculpted metals. People said she had an eye for beauty, a gift for finding the truly unique. But she was not interested in what others thought.…

  • Warmth


    It was love at first sight for him. For her she had to get used to his face. He looked like her Yorkshire Terrier. It was his red shaggy beard and eyebrows. What she was attracted to was his eyes – dark and gentle, with a sparkle to them – again, like her dog’s. He…