Table of Contents

Intro 0
Part One: FAYE: Playing Dead 1
Chapter 1 – The sky was a beautiful mess of black ink 3
Chapter 2 – Egon thought he heard the voice of god 7
Chapter 3 – It was a girl’s voice 17
Chapter 4 – Someone spoke and he looked up 25
Chapter 5 – The detonation was fierce 31
Chapter 6 – In the moonlight he saw faye 37
Part Two: EGON: Trial Separation 43
Chapter 1 – As I watch her, he watches me 47
Chapter 2 – Clifford surrendered 63
Chapter 3 – Faye was out to have some fun 69
Chapter 4 – Clouds are amassing 89
Chapter 5 – It was an hour past midnight 101
Chapter 6 – It was all arranged 107
Chapter 7 – Attempting to be anonymous 121
Chapter 8 – Mira is intrigued 125
Chapter 9 – Faye opened the door 133
Chapter 10 – How did we evolve 143
Chapter 11 – Faye awoke 155
Chapter 12 – The building shook 159
Chapter 13 – Have you ever thought that suicide 167
Chapter 14 – This is crazy 175
Chapter 15 – I awake to the sound of buzzing 181
Chapter 16 – Faye bit into an olive 193
Chapter 17 – A moment ago in such bliss 201
Chapter 18 – Clifford sensed the time was right 211
Chapter 19 – Faye was reclined 219
Chapter 20 – I become aware 225
Chapter 21 – Faye didn’t look mira in the eyes 231
Chapter 22 – Clifford took cover 237
Chapter 23 – Is this how it feels 245
Chapter 24 – Sheltered beneath an awning 255
Chapter 25 – I know I am real 261
Chapter 26 – My desire to be with mira 271
Chapter 27 – Flowers 279
Chapter 28 – And I do 285
Chapter 29 – As far back as i can remember 291
Chapter 30 – A beach house 295
Part Three: MIRA: Inevitable Fusion 299
(490 pages)