
A Dark Comedy.

Juliet Amulet, a drama student, returns home from college to attend a Thanksgiving gathering with an elaborate plan to convert and exorcise the inevitable political confrontations by exposing family secrets.

Inspired by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, AMULET is a stage play that focuses on current family and cultural divisions – specifically the dysfunctional political discourses. Juliet stays in character at the family gathering, acting out as though she is in a Shakespearian play. She says to her stepfather, the recently-elected senator: 

When blue skies turn green from lies
spoken repeatedly to propagandize

and politicize, then thoughts unwise turn
poisonous, warping what one doth sees,
thus rotting the mind’s ability to reason
and discern the truth from the disease.

Read sample pages: PDF of Act One – Scene 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

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