Month: November 2017

  • Reflections


    She might just as well have been her cat chasing after a reflection of light dancing across the wall. The mercurial vision of who she was kept eluding her. In a flash traveling backwards she glimpsed herself timeless as a child. On the surface of the mirror she saw her renewed face. The bandages removed,…

  • Survivors


    Survivors of the last war were gathered in a small circle to discuss their luck. Each argued his or her case. Each claimed to be innocent victims of an inevitable systemic breakdown, but bargained for their share of guilt. Each told their side of the story and was accused of lying to the others. Regretting…

  • Conception


    At the time of her conception she was floating on a ship in the arctic waters. Her parents had consumed far too much champagne the night of their fiftieth anniversary party and they let this tidbit of information slip out about their amorous meeting on a cruise to Alaska. It happened so unexpectedly, innocently, they…